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Pilates for Golf – How and Why it can Benefit your Game

Pilates is well known for improving core strength, trunk stability, flexibility and rotation, all of which can help when playing golf at any level - not only in injury prevention and recovery but also improving play.

A strong core can affect the whole body. It’s not the 6-pack we are bombarded with images of, but the internal core muscles that support the spine and help strengthen the whole trunk. When these muscles are strengthened, it helps alignment which in turn reduces the pressure on your back and neck which often causes back pain.

Golf focusses on rotation of the body whilst driving power from the ground. The movement comes from the core, to the club and then on to the ball. So the stronger the core, the more powerful and controlled swing.

Flexibility is key for golfers because without good flexibility, there will be limited rotation in the trunk which can not only cause back pain but also prevents you from executing a compact, powerful swing. Only a small reduction in trunk stability means the shoulders have to start working overtime. Being unstable joints, this is the last thing the shoulders need if they are to remain injury-free.

Balance is also important providing a stable foundation for the powerful and effective swing. But balance alone won’t work. It's a combination of all the above elements working together so the body moves as a whole.

In addition, there is a lot of repetition of essential movements in golf which creates a muscle imbalance. Some muscles become overused whilst others underused and therefore weaken. These imbalances – normally in the legs, back, shoulders and hips – can start to affect your game and even cause injury.

Having many students who are keen golfers, I decided to do the Body Control Pilates for Golfers training so I could help them more. This uses specially-adapted Pilates exercises to help optimise performance and improve your game. But don’t just take my word for it! Dr Andrew Murray, Chief Medical Officer. European Tour states:

“The Body Control Pilates for Golfers programme is really effective for

improving performance and reducing the risk of injury. It helps to promote

quality, range and control of movement and to enhance the golf swing.”

If you’d like to find out more contact me at


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